Michelle Koubek

The Clockworkers (July 2024)- Factor Four Magazine
Underneath the Metal (July 2024)- Bright Flash Literary Review
The Reservoir King (November 2024)- Flash Fiction Magazine
Flash Fiction: A broken clock means something different when it's on a universal scale.
Flash Fiction: A robot aspires to live inside with the rest of the family via any means necessary.
Flash Fiction: A woman forms a unique relationship with a bird in a pond that may not be what it seems.
Unpredictable (Issue 47.4/Fall 2024)- Star*Line
Poetry: A dangerous mission into the sun. How will it end?
The Universe is Dying (December 2024)- Strange Horizons
Poetry: The past is angry for being forgotten.
When We Had Wings and Smooth Skin (December 2024)- Other: the 2024 speculative fiction anthology published by Bannister Press
Short Story: A mysterious disease infiltrates a community of magical beings.
A Ghost in the Attic (Fall 2024)- Breath and Shadow
The Child (January 2025)- Abyss & Apex
Poem: Travelling through outer space can be both wondrous and frightening.
After the Accident (December 2024)- Black Hare Press Patreon
Drabble: Do not make me laugh or else.
Of Mouse and Man (January 2025)- Dreams and Nightmares
Poem: What's that on your shoulder?
"Monster" and "Starry Snack" (February 2025)- Ink Nest Poetry
Knots (February 2025)- Trembling with Fear
The Last One (April 2025)- The Lorelei Signal
The Ugly Dragonling (forthcoming)- The Limerick in Chains anthology
Hatch (forthcoming)-
The New Drabbun Anthology with Hiraeth Publishing
From Water (forthcoming)- Kaleidotrope
The Day I Became One with the Plants (forthcoming)- Creepy podcast
About Michelle Koubek
Michelle writes for the magic of it, although sometimes her stories may be a bit scary. She wants people to enjoy her work but will evade most conversation. As such, it's best to pretend that you don't notice when she isn't talking. But please let her know if you liked any of her pieces. Nothing makes her happier!